NESEA Member Voices
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Name: Melissa Aho
Business: Ultra Geothermal
Position: President
NESEA member since: 2007
Ultra Geothermal has been a general heating and cooling contractor for more than 20 years. It is a leader in geothermal installations specially suited to New England’s climate and geology.
Sustainability is the ability to replenish resources that you use at a rate comparable to your consumption.
After installing over 400 geothermal systems, we aren’t able to say that there is a project in particular that we are most proud of. We do both new construction and retrofit of existing homes of all sizes and we are proud of every install that we have done.
President Obama should work hard at educating the public on the rebates and incentives that can make environmental change more affordable. By utilizing wind, solar, and geothermal rebates it will make the technology more affordable. It is all about education.
We have been researching all aspects of the energy crisis and how to help. We need to know more about affordable green technology and what will make people want to switch to green technology.
The cost. The public needs to look at the payback period. Everyone needs to look beyond the upfront costs and realize the long-term benefits. Solar, geothermal, and wind all have an initial investment, but consumers need to understand that payback will come.
Green technology is our primary focus and it is important to be involved with the organizations that are promoting that. NESEA has put together a group of people that all have a common interest … the environment and what we can do for it.
I think that the “carbon credit” system needs to be addressed. That wealthy, environment polluting companies can buy credits from truly green companies is just horrible and does not justify a company calling itself “green.”
Original story: Northeast Sustainable Energy Association.